Product Checklist


Australian brand Ere Perez is one of many on my favourites list.


I started Eco Ebs because I wanted to find the best eco-friendly products — from brands striving to be as ethical and sustainable as possible.

The more I researched brands and compared products, I felt like others were very likely in the same boat as me. I know I’m not the only one wanting to reduce my impact on the environment, avoid unethical manufacturing, and only buy vegan, cruelty-free products.

At first, it was overwhelming trying to decide what to buy, until I made a checklist to make it easier!

Every product must be vegan, cruelty-free, ethically sourced, sustainability-minded, pro-human rights, and easily accessible in Australia.

This might seem like tough criteria to meet, but there are so many brands out there that pass this test with flying colours. I can’t wait to review them, and share my honest thoughts about the products I try! Before I share reviews though, I thought I’d take a moment to delve into each of these requirements a little more, so you know what to expect around here.

Click here to see all of my favourite brands listed on one page.


Aleph Beauty is another one of my favourites!

1. Vegan

Every product I share here will be vegan, meaning no animal ingredients or testing.

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment.”
— The Vegan Society

It’s not about being perfect, it’s simply about doing your best to avoid animal products, cruelty and exploitation. Focus on progress over perfection!

I’ve been vegan for almost 12 years — I can’t imagine not being vegan! So if you'd like to try more vegan food and products, I hope I can make it easier.

2. Cruelty-free

Cruelty-free refers to a product that hasn’t been tested on animals. It doesn’t mean that the product is necessarily vegan too, as animal ingredients can still be used.

While animal testing for cosmetics is banned in Australia, many companies still sell their products overseas where animal testing is permitted — and in some countries, it is even required.

You won’t see a single brand that tests on animals here! Being completely cruelty-free may be impossible if you think about it (even harvesting wheat can sadly kill mice, etc), yet we can do our best to reduce harm as much as possible - starting with only supporting cruelty-free, vegan brands.

3. Ethically sourced

The companies that openly tell you where their ingredients are sourced, and where their products are made, are usually the good ones.

It shouldn’t take more than a few clicks around the website of a cosmetic brand to find where their products are made, and where the ingredients are from. If a company doesn’t make it clear that they are ethically supporting the people and environment, I won’t be sharing their products here!

Go For Zero is one of my favourite eco-friendly online stores for all things sustainable and plastic free!

4. Sustainably-minded

Do they offer plastic-free options? Do they offer refills? Can you buy in bulk? Are they offsetting their carbon use? Are they affiliated with any environmental programs, such as One Tree Planted? 

The more a brand commits to sustainability, the more I’ll be keen to support them!

I’ll also share lots of sustainable tips and tricks here too, as I learn to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

5. Pro-Human Rights

All we all know, there is currently a genocide happening in Gaza, not to mention the war zones, conflicts, famines, and human rights abuses occurring all around the world right now. It’s heartbreaking, enraging and honestly terrifying, that millions of men, women and children are suffering. I don’t want to support any brand that is affiliated with Israel, or any other regime, company or organisation aiding and abetting the mass murder of innocent people. I also urge everyone to follow boycotts via the BDS movement.

Unfortunately, most companies (and people) don’t seem to make their political beliefs known, but I’ll be digging through posts and articles, and contacting brands directly, to find out whether they are pro-human rights.

Additionally, every brand I share here must pay their employees fairly and treat all people will kindness and respect. As mentioned earlier, all ingredients and products must also be ethically sourced.

6. Easily accessible in Australia

The more local, the better! All the products I review will be available for purchase online in Australia and New Zealand.

I want to support small businesses first and foremost, which usually means they’re unavailable in stores. If brands do have stockists I’ll include that info in the reviews!

In every blog post and on the Brand summary pages, I’ll list out where an item has been manufactured, and the origins of their ingredients. Ideally, every product will be made in Australia or New Zealand, but most companies have to source at least some of their items from overseas.

I’ll focus on the brands that are made in Australia and New Zealand first and foremost, and only branch out to other brands when needed for comparison, or for the sake of researching innovative eco-friendly ideas!


Finding the best eco-friendly products doesn’t need to be overwhelming — it’s just a matter of ticking boxes on a checklist.

Does my checklist match yours? Let’s be eco-friends! For real though, I want to make this space so friendly, so supportive and non-judgemental, that everyone feels capable of lowering their environmental footprint.

Every purchase we make is political. So make every dollar count!

Check out my favourites page for a list of brands that I love. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for brands to check out — comment below or send me a message, I’d love to hear from you! You can also follow Eco Ebs over on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube.

I hope you’ll join my search for Australia’s most eco-friendly companies, that make living a more sustainable and ethical life so easy and fun. Let’s do this! Thanks for being here — your support means the world to me.

Much love,

Ebs x

Ebonie Hyland

Ebonie ✵ Tarot & Manifestation

Obsessed with all things spiritual (& coffee!)
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