Welcome to Eco Ebs!

Hi lovelies,

I thought I’d share a little bit about me for my first blog post — especially if we’re just meeting for the first time!

You can also read a bit about why I started Eco Ebs on the About page here.

  • My name is Ebonie, but friends and family call me Ebs (in true Aussie fashion — that’s just one of my many nicknames).

  • I recently turned 33.

  • I have a 2-year-old daughter, Arietta Joy.

  • ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Beatles was playing when Arietta was born, followed by ‘At Last’ by Etta James while I held her for the first time.

  • I’m a solo mum, with the best support anyone could wish for, from my wonderful family and friends!

  • I share writing, poetry and photography on my other Instagram account @eboniehyland.

  • I’m a singer and play the ukulele! Though Arietta is my only audience at the moment, so I predominantly sing kids songs nowadays.

  • After Arietta was born I had a stomach ulcer that burst, and I’ve had various health issues since. I’m still trying to figure out what’s causing digestive problems — but with all the tests I’ve been doing, I’m sure I’ll have an answer soon!

  • I’ve always loved playing with make-up, but I’ve grown to appreciate it so much more since feeling unwell! It’s a small thing, but taking some time for myself to put on some make-up cheers me up.

  • I’m pro-Palestine, and believe everyone has a human right to live in safety and free from oppression.

  • I created Eco Ebs to help myself, and others, find brands that align with my values. Products must be ethical, vegan, cruelty-free, pro-human rights, as sustainable as possible and accessible in Australia.

  • I’ve been vegan since I turned 21, so it’s now been 12 years. I’ve experienced the evolution of vegan cheese firsthand (it’s come a long way, trust me) and I’m happy to help answer any vegan-related questions or share recipes!

  • I’m working on creating this website to be a helpful resource, where you can find a list of brands that meet the most eco-friendly, ethical criteria! If you’d like a handy list of brands I love, click here to check out my favourites page.


Other things that bring me joy: spending time with Arietta, friends and family, having a cuppa (coffee, cacao and chai are my faves), baking, eating out, swimming, taking photos, writing and connecting with like-minded people… which I really hope to do here!

I’d love to know, what brings you joy?

Thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me that you’re here. I can’t wait to continue adding to this website, and I hope you find the favourites page helpful!

Much love,
Ebs x

Ebonie Hyland

Ebonie ✵ Tarot & Manifestation

Obsessed with all things spiritual (& coffee!)
☾ Charmed Tarot Readings Available!
✧ Watch #ManifestingintheRealWorld YouTube Series:



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